FMT supplies a wide range of flume washing machines for excellent washing quality. Models available with a capacity ranging from 150 kg to 2 tons/h. The machines can be equipped with a self-cleaning rotary filter, a removal system for floating particles (insects) and a heat exchanger for temperature control. FMT also provides customisation to customer requirements.
The FMT flume washers, type SW, has an integrated water injection system, enabling a thorough cleaning action without damaging the product. The in-feed side of the washer is provided with water jets, which assist in the separation of the product and flume it towards the washing section. The adjustable water flow ensures that the dwell time within the washer can be accurately programmed.
The out-feed of the washer can be realised by means of a dewatering shaker or a dewatering mesh belt. The water that passes through these systems can be cleaned by means of either a static sieve or a self-cleaning rotating filter.
The filtered water is held in the retention overflow tank beneath the discharge of the washer where it is re-introduced to the washer through the circulation pump.
Depending on the product specifications and he desired throughput the washer is can elivered up to lengths of 6.000 mm while the widths 600 mm.
Options available:
Or contact us directly at
Uilenwaard 48
5236 WB 's-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)73 5114436